Donna de la Perrière, Gillian Conoley, and Angela Hume
read for the fifth anniversary of the Lone Glen reading series
Visual art by Zina Al-Shukri
Donna de la Perrière, Gillian Conoley, and Angela Hume
read for the fifth anniversary of the Lone Glen reading series
Visual art by Zina Al-Shukri
Donna de la Perrière, Faith Adiele, Julia Bloch, & Nikki Wallschlaeger
read in Erica Lewis‘s fabulous
John Oates House Reading Series & Dinner Party
on Saturday, December 5
1 Scott St, San Francisco
Cocktails & dinner at 7
Reading at 8
Donna de la Perrière reads with Joanne Fuhrman & Maria Garcia Teutsch
at the legendary MOE’S BOOKS
2476 Telegraph Ave, Berkeley
on September 23 at 7:30pm
+ + +
Donna de la Perrière reads with Nana Twumasi & Jared Stanley
for the Featherboard Writing Series
at Aggregate Space Gallery
801 W Grand Ave, Oakland
on March 21 at 6pm
* * * * * * *
In the gallery:
PATTERN RECOGNITION: A Solo Exhibition by Darrin Martin featuring sculpture, video & print-based installations that engage the synesthetic qualities of perception
Donna de la Perrière reads with Hugh Behm-Steinberg & Meg Pokrass
at Alter Space Gallery
1158 Howard Street, San Francisco
on February 27 at 7:00pm
Read them here