
Donna de la Perrière is the author of five collections of poetry: three books — Works of Love & Terror (2019), Saint Erasure (2010), and True Crime (2009), all from Talisman House —  as well as two chapbooks, Night Calendar (Omerta, 2018) and First Love (The Poetry Center Chapbook Exchange Collection, 2013).

Her work has appeared in journals such as American Letters and Commentary, Brooklyn Rail, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, Five Fingers Review, Interim, Mantis, New American Writing, and Volt, as well as anthologies such as  Kindergarde: Avant Garde Poems, Plays, Stories, and Songs for Children (2013), No Gender: Reflections on the Life and Work of kari edwards (2009) and Bay Poetics (2006).

The recipient of a 2009 Fund for Poetry Award and a 2016 Creative Work Grant from Intersection for the Arts, she founded San Francisco’s Bay Area Poetry Marathon reading series in 2004 and curated it until 2019. She taught creative writing at San Francisco State University for twenty years and currently lives in Oakland with poet Joseph Lease and cat Lorca.

* instagram.com/cronepoetics *

Cover image: Joseba Eskubi, from Insomnia (Belleza Infinita)